About Us

Our story started in 2005, when our directors, Dr. Nestor Soto and Maria-Jose Fuentes, opened up ArtLabbé Gallery in Santiago, Chile. Their purpose in opening up their gallery was not only to make it a profitable business but to work with various intercultural artists and leaders to promote culture through high quality art. After expanding their gallery to Miami, Florida, they began to dream about how to bring art to people who don’t normally have access to it. As a result, Fundacíon ArtLabbé was born in Santiago, Chile in 2016 as a nonprofit organization with the goal of inviting more people to join their movement of cultural formation through the arts with an emphasis on helping those most in need.

In 2020 the idea was born to expand this endeavor in the United States as a way of benefitting communities here in the states and promoting a culture of caring for those who need it most.

Our Team

  • Maria Jose Fuentes

    Board Member

  • Daniel Aldrich

    Board Member

  • Daniel Grotenhuis

    Board Member

  • Nathaniel Grotenhuis

    Executive Director