Project | Nov 7 | ArtLabbé Santiago
ArtLabbé hosted the first annual “Light and Life” event in collaboration with Fundación Vida, Salud y Ciencia (Foundation for Life, Health and Science) whose mission is to support women who are in the dilemma of whether to continue or interrupt their pregnancy.
Their president, Irene Ferrer Meli, shared the great news of having 13 children born after a long and arduous process of working with the mothers through their gestation periods. Seven volunteers who worked with these women were also highlighted for their dedication and commitment.
The event was attended by multiple ambassadors and members from the National Congress. Dr. Néstor Soto Godoy, visionary of this and other foundations, applauded the foundation's work and promoted similar initiatives geared towards supporting our nations.
"Evil is always organized and, although they are few, they are very noticeable. Good is not organized, that is why it is not seen. I encourage you to organize together for the sake of the good," he said.